

Thank you for visiting the N2 Good Success Resource Center. Here you will find a variety of resources I've put together in order to provide you the tools you need to enter into Good Success!

They are:

  • My Blog
  • Books By Me
    • I'm working on several books. As they are published you will find them here. 
  • Books By Others
    • I believe that you cannot ever read enough. As I find books I feel will help you succeed in life I will post those resources here. 
  • Links
    • This is a list of websites that link you to tools, products, services, ministries, and other resources that will help you succeed in life. 
  • Merchandise
    • Sometimes I need a reminder about some principle or ideal I'm reaching toward. This is a great site to make your own. From time to time I'll create ideas here, but you can also create your own merchandise as well. Hats, Shirts, Mugs, and more, through Zazzle. 

My Blogs


Providing the tools you need to enter Into Good Success!

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observeto do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shaltmake thy way prosperous , and then thou shalt have goodsuccess .